
D's Homework

(Grades 1-3 Foundations phases only)

 Debbie 0 7 3 2 4 1 1 8 7 6

* Battling with homework?
* Work all day and find it "easier said than done" to place time aside for checking or doing homework?
* You and your little one "clash" at homework time?
* Your child seems to fly through the Maths but just not grasp the phonics or visa versa?

Being a mom, myself, I have come to appreciate the huge importance of doing homework with  my children on an "every day" basis.  Homework helps our children to stay focused and  remain at a level close enough to the rest of their classmates. Let me offer you a personalized service and help your little one gain the confidence to enjoy homework again.

Sound bazaar????

Well, I discovered this passion for helping and NEVER giving up on children who have the 
the potential to LOVE doing homework.  I have an approach of patience, love and  PERSEVERANCE.  I let the children know that I will not give up on them.

My homework service includes:
* I will cover all homework issued on a daily basis;
* I can focus on specific areas / subjects related to schoolwork sent home as  homework;
* I offer group sessions which are held 4 days a week after school at allocated  times (only 2-3 children at a time), as well as "one-on-one" sessions once a week;
* Each session consists of a thorough 45 minutes to an hour;
* Rewards;
* No negativity;
* LOADS of perseverance;
* Communication between myself and the parent/s;
* End of term / year parties.

Costs of the sessions are as follows and are due in advance:

Once off / casual session bookings - R35 per session

Full time monthly sessions ( 4 days a week for the whole month) - R520 per month One-on-one sessions (Fridays only) - R45 per session

Give me a call, any time, on my cell phone number displayed on the top of this offer for any  details you may need or to secure a place for you child.

"Remember never giving up builds your personal road to a successful future!"